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My services are available in person or online, please book a consultation to find out more


Corporate Team Trainings & Coaching

So... how are we REALLY doing...??? 
❗️ Before the pandemic, only 20% of senior leaders believed that emotional intelligence was important for the development of a company. Today, 69% share this opinion. (Verizon)
❗️ 65% of French people hide their emotions at work and only 9% of employees in a stressful situation say they are ready to talk about it with HR (Les Echos)
❗️ Burned-out employees are 63% more likely to take a sick day and 2.6 times as likely to be actively seeking a different job. (Gallup)
❗️ Every year, 25% of consultants leave their position. The cause: an overload of work, a lack of meaning, a hierarchy that is too vertical, not enough ecology, a mold that is too rigid and homogeneous… (Les Echos)

❗️ “62% of the people we support say they don’t really feel useful in their work”, Ludovic de Gromard, CEO of the start-up Chance (

Depending on the specific challenges and needs of your team, I create a tailor-made solution.

I typically offer a 1/2 day interactive team training to implement the tools to start rebalancing and optimising the mind, the emotions and the body of your team members.

Benefits include:

✅ Increased PRODUCTIVITY across the organisation as best practice gets adopted by all teams
✅ Higher employee RETENTION that lasts: employees that are cared for do CARE about their employer.
✅ Highly reduced BURNOUT and BORE-OUT risks: workers can now IDENTIFY the burnout TRIGGERS in their specific case before it happens.
✅ Proven TECHNIQUES that significantly reduce STRESS levels: yes, you can ENJOY working.
✅ SLEEP mastery: workers are ENERGISED.
✅ Increased WELL-BEING at WORK and at HOME.
✅ Employees regain control of their EMOTIONS which supports a better BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
✅ Effective COMMUNICATION tools to aid teams and colleagues

To sum it all up: I help you improve BALANCE by creating a PRODUCTIVE, HAPPIER team and environment where stress and burnout are identified and managed!

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